Keeping Your Kids’ Teeth Healthy During The Holidays

Traditionally, this is the time of year where we gather with our loved ones. In these uncertain times, we may be limited to celebrating the holidays with people in our household but that doesn’t mean we can’t spread some holiday cheer with our loved ones distantly, maybe while enjoying a delicious feast or holiday treat. 

Choosing healthier options for your holiday goodies is a great way to make sure you and your family have the best dental health this season. We also added a list of fun holiday activities you can do with your kids to keep their mind off eating sweet treats.

Healthy Holiday Food Options 

You and your kids don’t have to miss out on holiday treats. Substitute sweet and unhealthy foods with ones that are healthier and good for your teeth. 

Cheese: Opt for soft cheeses instead of sweets. Dairy does not have a lot of sugar, is high in calcium and protein, and neutralizes the acids that weaken your tooth enamel.

Nuts: Look for recipes that use these as the base ingredient. Nuts are high in fibre and can also be sweet. Roasted nuts are particularly delicious. Be careful when eating raw nuts as they can crack your teeth.  

Melba Toast: Melba toast is a dry, crisp and thinly sliced toast that you can serve in soups or salads. They’re low in calories, high in fibre and also taste great with melted cheese. 

Holiday Activities With Your Kids

There are plenty of fun holiday activities you can enjoy with your kids. 

Arts and crafts: Bring out the crayons and pencil crayons, and organize a colouring night. Teach the kids how to do origami or start a paper mâché project.

Dental Stocking Stuffers: Add fun toothpaste or tooth fairy story books to their stockings. It’s essential to teach them about oral hygiene while they’re young to build solid dental habits. 

Board Games: Board games are fun presents that the whole family can enjoy. Support a local Winnipeg business - we love Aunt Monica’s Attic!

Keeping Those Tiny Pearly Whites Clean 

It’s important to maintain proper dental care during the holidays and make sure that the little ones brush their teeth for two minutes before going to bed and when they wake up the next day. Especially after enjoying all those holiday goodies. If it’s not time to brush their teeth yet, get them to drink a glass of water after eating to rinse away any food particles.

Part of maintaining good oral hygiene is making sure that everyone in the family visits their dentist regularly. Bring your kids to Kildonan Crossing Dental Centre for their last dental appointment of the year. Book your appointment today.