Five Bad Oral Habits You Should Break

March 22, 2022

We understand bad habits are hard to break. Sometimes you may not even be aware that something you’re doing in your everyday life can be hard on your teeth. In this blog, you’ll discover a few common habits, how they can negatively affect your oral health and how you can nip them all in the bud. 

Brushing Aggressively 

Brushing too hard is a common habit for many people because it doesn’t seem bad at first. Yes, it’s important to brush in those hard-to-reach spaces, but aggressive brushing can cause your gums to recede, wear down tooth enamel and expose the sensitive roots of your teeth. This makes your teeth more sensitive to hot and cold foods and prone to stains. A telltale sign of aggressive brushing is if the bristles on your toothbrush are bent. You should be guiding your toothbrush in gentle, circular strokes over your teeth and finish with a thorough floss. If you’re finding it difficult to stop brushing this way, consider switching to a soft-bristled toothbrush. 

Chewing Ice 

The enamel on your teeth is a mineral. It’s the hardest substance in the human body, but it can be worn down. Chewing on ice cubes can damage the enamel and chip your teeth. The temperature of the ice can also increase your mouth’s sensitivity to both hot and cold foods. If you have a hard time stopping this habit, switch to crushed ice or slush that can melt and soften more quickly in your mouth. Popsicles are also a good alternative, provided you aren’t ingesting too much sugar from them. That brings us to our next habit! 

Snacking on Sugary Foods 

Having excessive sugar in your diet isn’t healthy for your body in general, but your mouth is the first to be exposed to those sugars. It’s easy to snatch a few sweets from your office’s candy dish or add a little sugar to your afternoon coffee. And, it doesn’t help that it tastes so good. You don’t have to completely cut out sugar. If you find yourself needing a sugary snack, keep your snacking time contained to a half hour. Continuously exposing your teeth to sugary foods and drinks all day increases your risk of tooth decay. Alternatively, you can also flush away some of the sugars in your mouth with a glass of water. 

Biting Nails 

Beyond ingesting the hundreds of bacteria living under your fingernails, biting your nails puts your jaw in an unnatural position, which can cause you a lot of pain. It’s possible to chip a tooth by biting your nails. This habit can often accompany bruxism, also known as a wearing down of your teeth through excessive teeth clenching or grinding. Headaches and extreme tooth sensitivity are common symptoms of bruxism. Nail-biting is a very common compulsion that’s difficult to quit. You could wear gloves or apply bitter nail polish to your fingernails to deter yourself from any urges. 

Chewing On Things 

Some people have oral fixations. Chewing on objects like the end of a pen can help you take your mind off a tedious task or think through a problem. But your teeth weren't made for chewing anything tougher than they are. Any damage you cause to your teeth leaves them susceptible to decay, and your teeth certainly aren’t meant for you to use as tools. Opening a bottle with your mouth is a quick way to crack a tooth, and we don’t recommend it. We suggest chewing sugar-free gum to satisfy any urges to chew. Some of these daily compulsions may seem obvious, but they’re also easy to overlook or minimize. We hope you find our recommendations useful in keeping your mouth healthy.

If you need help to improve your oral health, book an appointment with Kildonan Crossing Dental Centre today for a checkup and cleaning. You can give you dental tips and provide treatments when necessary. We’re located in the strip mall at the northwest corner of Lagimodiere Boulevard and Regent Avenue.