What You Need To Know About Your Wisdom Teeth

Your wisdom teeth will grow in during your late teens and early twenties. Some people only grow one or two of their wisdom teeth, and some don’t get them at all. 

Wisdom teeth don't need to be removed if they are healthy, grown in completely, positioned correctly and can be cleansed as part of daily dental hygiene. In many instances however, wisdom teeth need to be removed. 

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the final teeth to come in (also known as erupt). They are the last set of molars on each side of the upper and lower jaw. When your wisdom teeth only partially appear or if they come in crooked, it can lead to impacted teeth. 

According to the American Dental Association, when your wisdom teeth are trapped in your jaw or under your gums they are impacted, which causes swelling and tenderness. In severe cases, impacted teeth can also cause serious infections.

Are My Wisdom Teeth Impacted?

Visiting your dentist at Kildonan Crossing Dental Centre is a good place to check if your wisdom teeth are impacted. We will assess your current dental health using the latest technology in dentistry, and we will advise you on what the best treatment option is for your situation. Your wisdom teeth may be healthy and don't need to be removed, and we will advise you if they do need to be taken out. Each treatment plan is different depending on how your wisdom teeth grew. 

So, You Have Impacted Wisdom Teeth, Now What?

If your wisdom teeth are impacted, we will perform minor oral surgery or refer you to an oral surgeon. Here is a quick look at what getting your wisdom teeth taken out entails:

1. Minor Oral Surgery

There are two forms of anesthesia that may be required: local anesthetic or general anesthetic. For local anesthetic, we will numb the area (freezing) before the surgery, like you would get for fixing a cavity. If you require general anesthesia, which is when you’re put into a sleep-like state, we will refer you to an oral surgeon. 

Generally, the most pain will be felt within 24 to 48 hours after the surgery - each person is different and some may heal faster than others. After oral surgery, it’s common to have swelling, feel tender or sore and be uncomfortable, which can last for three to five days. 

2. Medication

After the oral surgery, we may prescribe medication and/or ice packs to help ease the pain. Tell your dentist about any other prescription medicines or herbal supplements you are taking. This is important to know before any medication is given, including anesthesia, so they don’t prescribe anything that should not be taken with your current medications. 

3. Rest 

Take time off to rest. Don’t do any strenuous activities and watch what you eat to avoid further discomfort and pain. Call your dentist if the pain doesn’t get better after 48 hours or any time you think there is a problem.

Our Dental Experts are Here For You

Regular check-ups are important to ensure your dental health is taken care of. Schedule an appointment today at our clinic located in east Winnipeg near the corner of Regent (Nairn) and Lagimodiere, so we can check any wisdom teeth eruptions for you and your family.